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Prof. Askold Ivantchik: “Neue Forschungen zur Epigraphik Olbias”

On October 7–9, 2019, Frankfurt University hosted the international conference “An den Ufern des Bugs. Fünf Jahre deutsch‑ukrainische Ausgrabungen in Olbia Pontike” dedicated to the five‑year anniversary of German‑Ukrainian excavations in Olbia. The head of the Centre for Classical and Oriental Archaeology Askold Ivantchik gave a paper on “Neue Forschungen zur Epigraphik Olbias”.

Prof. Askold Ivantchik: “Neue Forschungen zur Epigraphik Olbias”

The conference was attended by 25 speakers from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania, who discussed the results of recent research in Olbia and other ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region.

Prof. Askold Ivantchik gave a paper “Neue Forschungen zur Epigraphik Olbias”, in which he presented unpublished inscriptions from the recent excavations in Olbia studied by him during the preparation of the corpus of inscriptions from Olbia.

 Programme of the conference