Presentation of a new book about Crimean Scythia
On November the 21st, a presentation of a new collective monograph “Crimean Scythia in a system of cultural relations between East and West (3rd century BC – 7th century AD)” prepared under the editorship of Askold Ivantchik and Valentina Mordvintseva (Master’s Programme ‘Classical and Oriental Archaeology’ at IOCS HSE) took place at the Department of Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Askold Ivantchik and Valentina Mordvintseva in Constance (Romania)
From the 20th to the 24th of August, 2018, took place the International Conference “Advances in Ancient Black Sea Studies: Scholarly Traditions & Preservation of Cultural Heritage” organized by the Institute of Archaeology in Jasi and the Museum of National History and Archaeology of Constance (Romania).

Valentina Mordvintseva on Expression of Power and Status in the Barbarian Cultures of the Crimea and Networking of Political Elites
On the 29th of Jule, 2018, a workshop “Power, status and symbols in the Black Sea area in antiquity” was hold at the University of Wroclaw being organized by the Institute of History of Wroclaw University (Poland) and University of Waterloo (Canada).