Archaeological expedition in Dzhankent
From the 1st of August to the 15th of September, 2018, in Dzhankent (Kazalinsk district, Kyzylorda region, Republic of Kazakhstan) there was hosted an international archaeological expedition under direction of Irina Arzhantseva. Excavations were carried out in frames of the project “Nomad state formation and urbanization on the northern Silk Road: The early medieval town of Dzhankent (Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan)” funded by the German research society (DFG).

Heinrich Härke and Irina Arzhantseva hosting a workshop in Kazakhstan
In the second week of September, at the end of this year’s excavation season at Dzhankent, an international group of experts gathered in western Kazakhstan for an intensive workshop discussing archaeological work at Dzankent and its results so far.