‘The World of Comics’ Conference

The Annual Russian Comics Conference “The World of Comics” (Mir Komiksov) is based in Moscow since 2016. Initially the venue was provided by the Russian State Library For Young Adults, however, since 2020 the conference is affiliated with the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of the National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’.
The Annual Russian Comics Conference “The World of Comics” is usually held in March at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies (Moscow, 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya street, building 3‑L, 2nd floor ). This conference is the main academic event for comics studies in Russia, we also welcome researchers from CIS countries and other international colleagues. We welcome a variety of methodological approaches as well as insights into comics from all over the world:
Asian comics
American comics
European comics
Slavic comics
We welcome presentations on Comics studies and Manga Studies, as well as comic‑related art forms, such as: animation, anime, film comics, Filmstrip, lubok, etc.
Founder and Secretary of the Conference is Yulia Magera (ymagera@hse.ru).
The official language of the conference is Russian, but reports in English are welcome as well (translation will not be provided).
Following the conference, we offer a possibility to publish the conference papers in Russian via “Comics Factory” Publishing House.
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