Department of Classical Philology
The main task of the Department of Classical Philology of the IOCS is the realization of the educational curriculum “Classical, Byzantine (Medieval) and Modern Greek (Neo-Hellenic) Philology” and teaching the subjects of the philological and linguistic cycle for prospective specialists in ancient and medieval Greek history (fields 46.03.01 “History” and 45.03.01 “Philology”). This concerns, first of all, the teaching of ancient Greek and Latin languages, as well as of historical-literary (“The History of Ancient Greek Literature”, “The History of Roman Literature”, etc.), linguistic (“The History of the Ancient Greek Language”, “The History of the Latin Language”, etc.) and general cultural (“The Key Mythological Motifs of Graeco-Roman Literature”, “The History of Classical Ancient Philosophy”, etc.) subjects. To involve students into research work, the curriculum features research seminars “The Main Issues in the Study of Greek Literature”, “The Main Issues in the Study of Roman Literature”, etc.
The Department’s activities also include teaching a number of disciplines for the Orientalist specializations at the IOCS, like “The History of World Literature (Antiquity)”, “Ancient Greek and Its Authors”, etc.
The Department’s primary goal is the improvement of Classical education in its entirety, including the study of linguistics, literature, history and culture. To actualize this comprehensive approach deriving from the tradition of Altertumswissenschaft, the Department cooperates, within the IOCS of HSE, with the Department of Ancient History and Byzantium. The both Departments are planning the joint development and teaching of a large number of special courses that combine historical, linguistic and philological approaches: “Ancient Greek Historians of the Classic Period”, “Greek Authors of Hellenistic and Roman Times”, “Roman Historians of the Republican Period”, “Roman Historians under the Empire”, “Study of Graeco-Roman Sources”, “Graeco-Roman Epigraphy”, “The History of Graeco-Roman Studies”, “Current Problems in Graeco-Roman Studies”, etc.
Research work of the Department’s members ensures the high quality of teaching professional subjects. Research fellows participate in the “Current Problems in Graeco-Roman Studies” seminar, present their papers and talks at conferences, publish their works in various Russian and international journals and collections. One of the spheres of academic and teaching work of the Department is its cooperation with the Orientalist Departments of the IOCS.
For more information on scholarly problems addressed by the Department, see the “Academic Activities” Section.
In pursuing academic activity, the Department cooperates with other academic and educational bodies both in Russia and abroad. Our cooperation is especially close with the Departments of Classical Philology at Moscow and St. Petersburg Universities, the School of Cutting-Edge Research in the Humanities at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Government Service. This cooperation is realized both as part of the academic seminar work and in the course of daily working contacts (supervising students, appraising graduate theses and degree works, etc.)
Popularizing Graeco-Roman culture is also among the Department’s activities. It is to this end that all-university courses for majors in other subjects have been organized at which the attendees can study Classical literature and perhaps even Greek and Latin. The Department strengthens its contacts with the high schools—for example, it takes part in the Day of the HSE Lyceum jointly with the faculty from other university divisions. To attract prospective applicants, the Department plans to develop a special school contest devoted to Graeco-Roman culture.
The Department intends to open Bachelor and Master curricula and, presently, post-graduate HSE-based studies in the field “10.02.14. Classical Philology, Medieval and Modern Greek Philology” with a view to involving its graduates in research work and teaching.
The Department’s Staff
Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Classical Philology
Chief Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer


Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Visiting Lecturer
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