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Centre of Oriental Cultures and Literatures

Центр культур и литератур Востока ИКВИА НИУ ВШЭ

The Centre of Oriental Cultures and Literatures unites philologers, historians, students of religion and arts specializing in different languages of Asia and Africa, in cultures of the Arabo-Islamic world, medieval Syria and Mesopotamia, Iran, India, China and Japan.

The principal circle of problems researched by the Centre’s specialists includes the study of specifics of those cultures, of their aptitude for change over time, and the complex and multidirectional interaction between them. The fundamental principle shared by all researchers is constant work with original sources, such as authentic texts in Oriental languages, objects of traditional representational arts, items of material culture, archival materials, etc.

The main spheres of the Centre’s activities include: bringing culturally significant texts to wide scholarly notice; preparing commented translations of texts for publication; research in the field of “cultural translation,” and developing methodological apparatus. Preliminary results of this work are regularly discussed and analyzed at sessions of the Centre’s theoretical seminar. For more detail on the seminar and theoretical problems researched by the Centre’s research fellows, see —

The results of research also find direct use in the academic process via the teaching activities of our fellows, who participate in a number of educational programs:


The Centre’s Staff

Natalia Chalisova

Chief Research Fellow, Head of the Centre

Natalia Alexandrova

Senior Research Fellow

Maxim Alontsev

Academic Secretary of IOCS

Olga Bessmertnaya

Senior Research Fellow

Elena Dyakonova


Alexander Meshcheryakov

Chief Research Fellow

Anton Pritula

Senior Research Fellow

Nikolai Seleznyov

Leading Research Fellow

Ilya Smirnov

Director of IOCS

Alexey Zhuravskiy

Senior Research Fellow


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