The lectures of Dr. W. Smidt on ethnography and ethnohistory of Tigray (Ethiopia)
From 4 October to 22 October 2021 Dr W. Smidt will give to the students of the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University, a series of lectures (in English), dedicated to the anthropology and history of Tigray.
Dr. Wolbert Smidt, senior researcher of Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany), is an anthropologist and historian who has dedicated to the Ethiopian studies many years of his scientific life, has participated and coorganized a number of important projects on history, archeology, anthropology of Ethiopia and Eritrea and has authored numerous publications on history and anthropology of Tigray, one of the most interesting regions of Ethiopia, the cradle of Ethiopian Christianity.
From 4 October to 22 October 2021 Dr W. Smidt will give to the students of the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University, a series of lectures (in English), dedicated to the anthropology and history of Tigray. In the lectures he will survey various aspects of Tigray studies, based, inter alia, on his own field research. The contemporary state of Tigray and the background of the political and ethnic conflict which has led to the still ongoing civil war in northern Ethiopia will receive proper attention.
The topics and time of the offline lectures:
12.October, Tuesday, 11:10-12:30, room A-404. Ancient history and cultural traditions of Tigray: Oral traditions and cultural practices
15.October, Friday, 14:40-16:00, room Л-201. The socio-political self-organisation in Tigray: Local institutions from lineage-groups ("hawennet") to cultural-religious ("mahber") / genealogy and onomastics
16.October, Saturday, 11:00-12:20, room Л-209. The socio-political self-organisation in Tigray: The historical princedoms and "peasant republics" of Tigrinnya-speakers / territorial organisation and routes
17.October, Sunday, 16:00-17:20, room Л-209. Political leadership in cultural context: Tigrayan dynasties
18.October, Monday, 11:00-12:20, room Л-302. The ethnic composition: The role of minority groups from Muslims to border groups
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