Department of Ancient History and Byzantium
There are three fundamental principles upon which the Department is based:
– combining, within the same academic-educational body, different specializations directed at the study of classical cultures and Byzantium;
– close connection between educational process and research work;
– interdisciplinary approach combining the methods of different disciplines in the humanities, primarily those of philology and history.
Bringing together of specialists in Classical Antiquity and Byzantium “under the same roof” of our Department allows us to explore the properties of Roman civilization which enabled it to persevere for another millennium.
For more information on the academic problems addressed by the Department, see the “Academic Activities” section.
Thus the Department “structurally” embodies the idea of interaction between Classical Graeco-Roman and Byzantine specializations.
The Department’s Staff
Professor, Head of the Department of Ancient History and Byzantium
Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer
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