Энн Мониус
Энн Мониус (Anne Elizabeth Monius – 17.02.1964 - 03.08.2019) - профессор Гарвардской богословской школы, специалист в области изучения южноазиатских религий.
Наиболее известная ее работа - книга Imagining a Place for Buddhism: Literary Culture and Religious Community in Tamil-Speaking South India (2001), написанная на основе диссертации. В последнее время Мониус готовила к изданию книгу Singing the Lives of Śiva's Saints: History, Aesthetics, and Religious Identity in Tamil-Speaking South India.
Публикации Энн Мониус:
- Singing the Lives of Śiva's Saints: History, Aesthetics, and Religious Identity in Tamil-Speaking South India, готовится к публикации.
- Kampaṉ's Irāmāvatāram: War, Book Two. The Murthy Classical Library. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, готовится к публикации.
- Imagining a Place for Buddhism: Literary Culture and Religious Community inTamil-Speaking South India. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001; Indianedition, Delhi: Navayana Press, 2009.
- “Local Literatures: Tamil,”Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Leiden: Brill, готовится к публикации.
- “Religion, Culture, Theory: An Afterword,”in Contesting Indian Christianities, ed.Richard Fox Young and Chad Bauman. London: Routledge, готовится к публикации.
- “'Sanskrit is theMother of All TamiḻWords': Further Thoughts on the Vīracōḻiyam and its Commentary,”Buddhism Among Tamils, Part 3, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Historia Religionum,32,готовится к публикации.
- “The Curious Geography of TamiḻJain Narrative,”The International Journal of Jain Studies, forthcoming.“Rethinking Medieval Hindu Literature,”in The Oxford Handbook of Hindu Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, готовится к публикации.
- “Jain Satire and Religious Identity in Tamiḻ-Speaking Literary Culture” в Indian Satire in the Period of First Modernity, ed. Monika Horstmann and Heidi R. M.Pauwels. Khoj, vol. 9. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, готовится к публикации.
“Inter-tradition Debate in Classical India”and “Inter-tradition Debate in India, 600-1700,”in Sources of Indian Tradition, revised 3rd edition. New York: Columbia University Press, готовится к публикации.
- “With No One to Bind Action and Agent: The Fate of Buddhists as Religious 'Other'in TamiḻŚaiva Literature,”in The Tamiḻs: From the Past to the Present, ed. Peter Schallk. Colombo: Kumaran Book House, 2011,153-177.
- “Ecologies of Human Flourishing: A Case from Pre-Colonial South India,”in Ecologies of Human Flourishing, ed. Donald K. Swearer and Susan Lloyd McGarry.Cambridge: Centerfor the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, 2011, 39-60.
- “U. Vē. Cāminātaiyar and the Construction of Tamil Literary ‘Tradition’,”Journal of Indian Philosophy 39/6 (2011):589-597.
- “Purāṇa / Purāṇam: Modes of Narrative Temporality in Sanskrit and Tamil,”in Passages: Relationships between Tamil and Sanskrit, ed. Francois Gros and M. Kannan. Pondicherry: French Institute of Indology; Berkeley: University ofCalifornia, 2009, 217-236.
- “Dance Before Doom: Kṛṣṇa in the Non-Hindu Literature of Early MedievalSouth India,”in Alternative Krishnas: Regional and Vernacular Variations on a HinduDeity, ed. Guy Beck. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005.
- “Origins of HinduEthics,”in A Companion to Religious Ethics, ed. William Schweiker,Blackwell Publishers, 2004, 330-340.
- “Love, Violence, and the Aesthetics of Disgust: Śaivas and Jains in Medieval SouthIndia,”The Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (2004), 113-172.“Śiva as Heroic Father: Theology and Hagiography in Medieval South India,”Harvard Theological Review 92:2 (2004):165-197.
-“Buddhism in South India,”in Encyclopedia of Buddhism, ed. Robert Buswell, et al. NewYork: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, 369-370“The Many Lives of Daṇḍin: The Kāvyādarśa in Sanskrit and Tamil.”The InternationalJournal of Hindu Studies 4/2 (April 2000):1-37.
- “Literary Theory and Moral Vision in Tamil Buddhist Literature,”The Journal of IndianPhilosophy 28/2 (April 2000):195-223.
- “Ētunikaḻcci in Maṇimēkalai: The Manifestation of Beneficial Root 'Causes' and Renunciation,”in A Buddhist Woman's Path to Enlightenment: Proceedings of aWorkshop on the Tamil Narrative Maṇimēkalai Uppsala University, May 25-29,1995, pp. 261-275. Edited by Peter Schalk. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis:Historica Religionum, vol. 13. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 1997.
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